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Cops: Man made wife, child beg for cash despite danger

PHOENIX - A Phoenix man is accused of using his wife and 5-year-old son - repeatedly - to beg for money and food in a busy parking lot known for frequent car accidents and crime, reports CBS affiliate KPHO.

Caltalin Marin, 29, was arrested Saturday after police investigated a child welfare complaint in the parking lot of a food store.

Police said they discovered Marin had been setting up and arranging the times when his wife and son would stand at the entrances of the parking lot to beg for money.

According to police, it wasn't the first time it went down that way. Police had been called to the same parking lot twice in February to investigate similar complaints involving the woman and child, reports the station.

Police noted in a court document that the shopping center contained multiple businesses and "is very busy with vehicular traffic and not a safe place for a small child to be roaming around the parking lot."

In the past, the parking lot has been the scene of multiple car accidents, domestic violence fights and orders of protection violations, KPHO reports.

Marin was taken into custody for child abuse and his wife was listed in the same report as a suspect.

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