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Coping With A Younger Boss

Working for a younger boss can be hard on the ego, but it is becoming a lot more common today than it was a decade or two ago. If the age difference between you and your new manager is so small that you wonder why you didn't get the job instead, it may be time to face your own fears and misconceptions.

"The main difficulty that comes from working for a younger boss is partnering and following directions," says career coach Cynthia Shapiro, author of the book "Corporate Confidential." "What people in those situations don't realize is that the younger manager is probably scared witless and may feel very threatened by staff members who've been doing the job he or she is supervising a long time."

In such situations, Shapiro says, it is best if the older person makes the first step towards creating a bridge. Bitter as it may be to swallow your pride and accept a boss the same age as your son's, for example, you're likely to win a solid ally if you simply ask "how can my experience help you?"

You would be surprised to find out how open younger managers are to information that's relayed in a peer-to-peer way and not through gritted teeth or with a "been there, done that" attitude.

"That young manager, who may be in water over his head at his new position, would be loyal to you forever," says Shapiro. Chances are he or she would be so grateful to you for welcoming him in such an open way, that you would be inspiring this boss to give you the best assignments.

Apart from offering your experience, you should also pay attention to your industry. If you truly feel that the company to which you have devoted years of your life has passed you by in favor of a "pipsqueak," you may need to take a fresh look at the dynamics of your workplace.

Try to understand why your employer is putting certain people in place; one possible explanation is that many companies now believe the more young go-getters with fresh ideas they can bring in, the more of an edge that can give them in the marketplace.

While working for a marginally younger boss is one thing, deferring to someone who was learning how to walk when you were in college is another. If you are grappling with this type of situation -- hallway management style that strikes you as too informal ("Hey, can you redo that report and zap it to me?") or a boss who is so much younger than you that you don't understand his or her peers' water-cooler chat -- remember that style is just that. Your new manager has probably given valid reasons that he or she has the integrity and skills to be a good boss.

By Marshall Loeb

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