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Connecticut School Lockdown: Manchester Community College locked down after reports of gunman on campus

Manchester Community College in Manchester, Conn was put on lockdown March 6, 2013 as police investigate reports of a man with a gun on the campus.

(CBS) MANCHESTER, Conn. - Manchester Community College in Manchester, Conn. is on lockdown Wednesday afternoon as police investigate reports of a man with a gun on the campus, CBS Connecticut reports.

Manchester Police say the call came in at about 2:30 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. Students who attend the school say they were told to take cover because of an incident on campus, according to the station.

The school's website says there is a "shelter-in-place" emergency and that students who are not on campus should stay away.

One professor, who was teaching a class at the time, tells CBS radio affiliate WTIC News they were told to stay away from doors and windows, with the doors locked. Students were also seated at their desks with the lights off.

Some 300 to 400 students at the Great Path Academy magnet school located on the Manchester Community College campus were being kept inside the school building. Buses were delayed and parents were notified, the station says.

According to the station, a Hartford schools spokesman says everyone is safe and the students will be returned home by bus when the all-clear is sounded.

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