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Congress Rallies 'Round The Flag

With the first blasts of war, lawmakers on Thursday largely set aside differences over President Bush's handling of Iraq and called for unity in support of American troops.

The Senate unanimously approved a resolution in support of the forces. It expressed gratitude to soldiers and their families, support for Bush as commander in chief, and thanked British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his government "for their courageous and steadfast support." The vote was 99-0, with Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga., absent because of an illness in his family.

House leaders were working out the language of a similar resolution. Some Democrats were concerned the wording might indicate they supported Bush's decision to go to war and that they agreed Iraq was part of the war on terrorism.

Despite the differences, the House resolution was expected to win wide support, including from some lawmakers who had voted against a resolution in October authorizing the war.

"When we go into battle, despite our differences on policy, when we go into battle, it will be one team, one fight," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California, who opposed that war resolution.

After Bush abandoned efforts Monday to seek a U.N. resolution for the war, Democrats combined statements of support for the troops with criticism of the administration's diplomatic efforts. Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota drew Republican fire for saying Bush "failed so miserably at diplomacy that we're now forced to war."

With airstrikes in Baghdad beginning Wednesday night, Daschle and most other critics moderated their tone. "We may have had differences of opinion about what brought us to this point, but the president is the commander in chief and today we unite behind him," Daschle said.

But some of the most vocal opponents of the war continued their criticism.

"While I support the troops, I cannot support this mission," said Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, a presidential candidate. "President Bush has launched an unprovoked attack."

Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif., said the president "has created this disaster to cover up his failed diplomatic, social and economic agenda." Stark said the Republican budget proposal, which does not include war costs, shows how "George Bush and his Republican henchmen mistreat our troops."

The October resolution authorizing war passed the House 296-133 and the Senate 77-23. Many Democrats with reservations about the war were reluctant to oppose a popular president on a national security issue one year after the Sept. 11 attacks — and just weeks before tight midterm congressional elections.

Democrats have taken on Bush for failing to win broad international support for the war, for not providing estimates of the war's costs and for making Iraq a higher priority than other potential threats such as North Korea. But with the resolution authorizing force behind them, lawmakers had little leverage over war plans.

Republicans have remained solidly behind Bush.

"This war is justified by our own laws, by international laws and by the laws of nature, which state all people are created equal and with the right to live in liberty," said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee.

House Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois said "American troops, joined by our British friends, have embarked on a noble mission to free the Iraqi people from an evil tyrant."

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