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Column: Barack Obama Is A Traitor

This story was written by Rory Walkinshaw, Ka Leo O Hawaii

I'll get straight to the point: I'm not voting for Barack Obama. In fact, I think he's a traitor.

We live in an unstable world, where the threat of terrorism is all too real. Increasingly, the kinds of conflicts in which America is engaged are of an unconventional nature, such as guerrilla warfare and terrorism.

To understand this, all you have to do is read recent history. Al-Qaida in Iraq has perpetrated dozens of attacks on Americans, including suicide bombings and beheadings. Similarly, the Al-Aqsa Intifada in Israel has witnessed the rise of some of the most ruthless terrorists in the world.

More conventionally, China is ascending as a major regional superpower and a potential military threat to the United States. China is indeed a rising dragon and, according to a May 2006 article by Agence-France Presse, "the pace and scope of China's modernization of its strategic forces and other surprising military developments could pose a credible long term threat to the United weaponry is enhancing China's ability to project and sustain military power well beyond its shores."

What the United States needs is a strong, competent leader, who will react ruthlessly against emerging threats to our nation's security. We require someone who is willing to use whatever force is necessary to protect Americans and neutralize military threats. Obama is definitely not that man.

Thus, I'm forced to conclude that Barack Obama is unpatriotic. It's common knowledge that he voted against the war in Iraq. His campaign website states that, "as a candidate for the United States Senate in 2002, Obama put his political career on the line to oppose going to war in Iraq."

Here is a man who will not support his country when it is engaged in armed conflict. The only legitimate excuse for our nation's leaders to oppose armed conflict is if there are severe deficiencies in training, manpower and equipment, which could potentially result in a disastrous defeat.

Barack Obama needs to understand that when our country goes to war, we need to win. Obama's top priorities, as far as the war in Iraq is concerned, should be figuring out the most effective way to win. Instead, Obama sits on his anti-war platform, spouting garbage about "change we can believe in."

I do not agree with all of John McCain's policies, but McCain's honor and loyalty are beyond reproach. The world of the future is a dangerous place and Americans need a fighter.

Douglas McArthur once said, "in war, there is no substitute for victory." Sadly, this is something that Obama just doesn't understand.

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