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Colo. grave digger fired for dancing on grave

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. - A Clifton, Colo., man has been fired from his job as a grave digger after he was filmed gyrating and playing a simulated guitar while standing on a burial vault.

The Mesa County Sheriff's Office says 27-year-old Christopher Redd could face misdemeanor charges of desecration of venerated objects after his antics on July 23 at Memorial Gardens.

According to the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel, Redd says it was a botched attempt to win tickets for a rock jam festival. He says it was an empty concrete vault and it happened before a funeral service was held at the site.

Redd didn't win the tickets because he did not fulfill a contest requirement of posting the video to

According to the Sentinel, a Sheriff's Department report said a deputy was provided printed copies from Redd's Facebook page and a CD.

The Sentinel reports the CD allegedly showed a video of Redd standing on top of a casket, using a shovel to simulate a guitar "while he mimicked a rock and roll music video," the report said. "I observed that music had been attached to the video and Redd sang that he was a monster."

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