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Colbert: Anonymous targeted the "Report"

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Anonymous Hacks The Colbert Report
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The latest target of the hacker collective "Anonymous?" None other than faux commentator, Stephen Colbert.

Colbert said on his broadcast last night that "Anonymous" was responsible for an incident on the "Colbert Report" last week when a Guy Fawkes mask (from the movie "V for Vendetta") was super-imposed over his face. Summoning all the fake outrage he could muster, Colbert played the moment for all it was worth:

"Lay off Americans for Prosperity. If you've got a problem with the Koch brothers, go after them the democratic way -- by funneling millions of dollars into a front organization to launch attack ads against teachers."

Americans for Prosperity is Virginia-based nonprofit group financed in part by the secretive billionaire brothers Charles G. and David H. Koch.

If Colbert is right about "Anonymous," then chalk up another cyber exploit to the hacktivist organization, which apparently has been quite busy these last few weeks. The group has taken credit for temporarily crippling the site of the conservative anti-tax group Club For Growth on Monday night. Also, the CEO of HBGary Federal, resigned after "Anonymous" successfully hacked his company's network and revealed thousands of e-mail messages. And last month, the organization also hacked into the website of the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church

Separately, an "Open Letter To The World" just got posted on the Anon News website purporting to be from Anonymous. For more on how "Anonymous" works, check out PC Magazine's background primer."

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