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Cloudy With a Chance of Dampened Press Coverage

The air-conditioning didn't go off, but that was about the only thing the White House team had to smile about last week.

For sure, they weren't laughing at the press coverage.

The President hit so many bumps, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank was drawing parallels to the Mel Brooks play where Young Frankenstein is digging up corpses and remarks to his faithful aide, Igor, that it's a "nasty business."

Igor replies, "It could be worse, it could be raining." And of course it came a storm.

A storm not unlike the gully washer that washed out the President's Memorial Day speech - a speech he'd already taken a lot of grief about because he chose to give it in Illinois instead of at Arlington National Cemetery.

Not to be outdone, Post Columnist Al Kamen claimed that he discovered a secret White House employment office called SHOVE (Special Handler for Offering Virtual Employment).

He thinks that SHOVE is the agency that's been dangling all those job offers to people if they'll agree not to run for the Senate. I think he's kidding!

But I choose not to join in the fun. That would be too easy.

Instead, I have decided to announce that I'm running for something. I have no intention of running for anything, of course, but I want to see if anyone offers me anything not to.

Besides, it could rain . . .

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