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Closing Rule #1: Think Like a Closer.

We're going to spend this week on a key skill: how to close. The last time we touched on this subject, I pointed out the many problems with manipulative "trick closes," so I'm not going to go over that material again. Instead, I'm going to present a series of inviolable "rules" for closing, based largely upon several conversations that I've had on the subject with the guru of closing, Linda Richardson, leavened (as usual) with my personal experience. So let's get started.

The best way to learn something quickly is to emulate the thought processes and behaviors of somebody who's already good at what you want to learn. That's why people who want to learn to play tennis well study the attitudes and behaviors of tennis stars. It's why aspiring actors have a fascination with those who are already successful in that field. It's easier to walk in the footsteps of giants than to blaze a trail of your own. So:

Rule #1: Think Like a Closer. According to Richardson, the great "closers" in this world share two characteristics: they're incredibly prompt and incredibly persistent. If they get a lead, they're on that lead immediately. If they sense the time is right, they close the deal, right then and there. After they've closed, they always follow up immediately. So if you want to be a better closer, you've got to torque up your behavior so that you're on top of things.

If you aren't willing to be vigilant and inexhaustible in your focus and your ability to understand customer needs, you'll never be a great closer. If you aren't willing to constantly improve your skills at dialog and questioning, you'll never be a great closer. If you aren't willing to do the extra mental work to build confidence in your own ability, you'll never be a great closer.

That's the foundation. Over the next few days, we'll be looking at strategies and techniques that will help you close more business more quickly, so stay tuned.

If you think you have what it takes to be a great closer, hit the "thumbs up" button at the top of the page.

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