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Clinton Ready for Petraeus Hearing

From CBS News' Fernando Suarez:

WASHINGTON -- Hillary Clinton takes time out from the campaign trail to question the country's top general in Iraq, at a scheduled hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee today. A senior aide tells CBS News that Clinton will "really press" Gen.l David Petraeus and Amb. Ryan Crocker who are "both good men in tough jobs, defending bad policy."

Clinton, who faces criticism from voters and members of her own party for voting in favor of the war in Iraq, has an important opportunity during today's hearing to potentially showcase her knowledge of the current situation in Iraq and discuss how she plans on ending the war.

The last time Gen. Petraeus appeared before the Senate committee nearly seven months ago, Clinton's questioning of Petraeus was highly criticized when she came close to almost calling Petraeus a liar. Clinton said the four-star General's Iraq report required a "willing suspension of disbelief."

Clinton's approach will be more measured this time. The campaign source says Clinton will argue that "One year after the president said we needed the surge to give the Iraqi's some room to improve their political situation, it hasn't. The troops have done everything asked of them, but the policy has failed." Clinton will also emphasize her desire to end the war.

One issue Clinton has been bringing up on the campaign trail is the Bush Administration's desire to form a long term security pact with the Iraqi government, without the consent of Congress. The campaign source says Clinton will also press Petraeus and Crocker on this matter.

The topic over Clinton's Iraq vote has recently come to light as Clinton was asked about her vote twice in two days during visits in Oregon and Montana last week. For months, the issue seemed moot, but it is clear the war remains on the minds of voters. Clinton, who has not apologized for her vote, recently said, "I'm very comfortable that I made a sincere vote based on my best assessment at the time, and I am more than willing to be held accountable for it."

Clinton will join John McCain, who is the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee, at this morning's hearing. Barack Obama will have his own chance to grill Petraeus and Crocker this afternoon when they appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

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