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Christmas Campaign Commercials? Humbug!

Weekly commentary by CBS Evening News chief Washington correspondent and Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer.

Chalk up another one to old age: I can actually remember when the early appearance of Christmas decorations caused us to worry that Christmas was becoming too commercial.

We worried that the great lesson of Christmas to love one another - the Christian version of the truth that runs through all the great religions - was being run over by a new dogma to "get out and buy something."

How quaint those old worries seem, as this front-loaded presidential campaign has taken us from just commercializing to politicizing the season, and brought with it the newest marketing device, the Christmas campaign commercial.

From Huckabee and his now-famous floating cross to warm and fuzzy Giuliani, to those cute Obama kids and Mrs. Clinton's gifts beneath the tree, and on and on, in the campaign states the candidates are hooking their sleighs to Christmas.

"Season's greetings" to all of them, but frankly, I prefer Christmas carols at Christmas time.

Decorating campaign commercials with Christmas ornaments really doesn't do it for me.

In this season when people of all faiths come together to celebrate the warmth and joy of family and friends, our heart goes out to those who cannot be with their families, especially those who risk their lives in far-off places for the rest of us.

Let us remember them at this season - and forget campaign commercials.

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By Bob Schieffer
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