Chile Earthquake: How to Help
Text Donations for Chile through one of several organizations via the Mobile Giving Foundation.
Text CHILE to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross
Text CHILE to 23583 to donate $10 to Habitat for Humanity
Text CHILE to 20222 to donate $10 to World Vision
Text CHILE to 50555 to donate $10 to the Friends of World Food Program
Text CHILE to 52000 to donate $10 to the Salvation Army
Text REBUILD to 50555 to donate $10 to Operation USA
Text 4CHILE to 50555 to donate $10 to Convoy of Hope
Text CHILE to 864833 to give $10 to the United Way
Charitable Organizations Offering Aid to Chile
American Red Cross: Make a donationto the International Response Fund
The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army has pledged to give food, water and other resources for distribution in Chile. Make an online donationto the Salvation Army's Latin America Disaster Fund.
AmeriCares: Americares is sending a rapid response team to help provide disaster relief in Chile," says Christoph Gorder, Vice President of Emergency Response. "Medicines, medical supplies and other humanitarian aid are being readied for immediate shipment." Make an online donation to AmeriCares' Chilean Earthquake Fund.
World Vision: World Vision began distributing hundreds of blankets and some water containers to Santiago's earthquake survivors over the weekend, preparing to start an extensive response in the hardest-hit areas south of the capital. Many of the communities where we already work were close to the devastating quake's epicenter. Donate to World Vision's Disaster Response Fund.
United Way: United Way is working with its organization in Chile, Corporacion Sociedad Activa, and its community networks to respond to the devastation caused by Saturday's earthquake and to determine the most pressing long-term recovery needs. United Way will work with its local community networks to support long-term recovery and rebuilding in Chile and to meet the needs of Chileans affected by the disaster. Donate to United Way.