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Cheech Marin : Kids Should Fear Priests, Not Pot

Comedic mainstays Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong, known to millions simply as Cheech and Chong, visited the CBS News' Washington Bureau today to be on "Washington Unplugged" and lobby for marijuana legalization.

The actors and activists are in Washington today as part of the Marijuana Policy Project initiative. "We have been around almost as long as pot has been around, so who better to speak for it than us," Marin joked.

The duo is receiving the "Trailblazer" award from the lobbying group, which is pushing Congress to cut the White House Drug Czar's budget over what they see as misleading advertising.

"They say weed is bad, that's bad," Chong said.

"Statistically, people, kids have more to fear from priests than they do from marijuana," added Marin.

Special Report: Marijuana Nation

At the end of the truly "Unplugged" interview, the aged stoners offered CBS News' Senior White House Correspondent Bill Plante a joint - an offer the Washington journalist politely declined.

"Not on the record," he joked.

Watch the truly "Unplugged" interview above.

"Washington Unplugged" appears live on each weekday at 12:30 p.m. ET. Click here to check out previous episodes.

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