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Cell Phone 'Ping' Spurs New Mt. Hood Hope

The cell phone of one of three climbers lost on Mount Hood since the weekend received a signal from the cell phone company late Tuesday night, "indicating it was back on," authorities said Thursday.

The T-Mobile cell company has been signaling the cell phone since climber Kelly James, 48, used it to call his family on Sunday.

On Wednesday, the company said the phone went silent the day before.

But on Thursday, the Hood River County sheriff's office said that at 10:55 p.m. Tuesday "T-Mobile received a signal on the phone indicating it was back on, when it had been off."

The sequence of signals suggested that James may have been turning his cell phone off to conserve battery power, a possibility that brought hope to family members who have gathered near the mountain.

"My heart was in my throat when I heard that, because if it's true it means Kelly is alive, and he has his wits about him," his brother, Frank, of Orlando, Fla., said at a news conference.

Other high-tech efforts to locate the missing trio — unmanned drones and heat censors — have been grounded by the brutal weather, CBS News correspondent Jerry Bowen reports.

T-Mobile also reported that the cell phone initiated a call on Monday morning. "If a call was attempted, it was not completed," the sheriff's department said in a statement.

The sheriff's department said T-Mobile continued to signal, or "ping," the cell phone on Wednesday, but the last signal received was on Tuesday night.

Photos: Search For Oregon Climbers
Rescue workers confronted stormy weather on the mountain again Thursday and said they would be searching lower elevations in hopes that James' two companions, Brian Hall of Dallas and Jerry "Nikko" Cooke, of Brooklyn, N.Y., had gotten down from near the top of the mountain, where James was believed holed up in a snow cave.
The three set out last week for a quick, two-day climb to the summit.

James' wife, Karen, said at the news conference that the families of the three men remained confident.

"While this is one of the worst weather days, our spirits are still high," she said. "These are three of the most phenomenal men you could ever meet. They're smart, they are strong, and they care so deeply for one another.

"My husband proposed to me on Mount Rainier, and we're planning our 50th wedding anniversary there, so I know he is coming off this mountain," she said, Bowen reports.

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