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Celebrate the first day of Spring with cliff jumping in Hawaii

(CBS News) Though it may not feel like it at all here in New York City, today officially marks the first day of Spring. And what better way to celebrate the occasion than with some extreme cliff jumping in warm, tropical climates from one of our favorite viral video creators. If you watch in high-definition, you can almost feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Go ahead and check it out.

The high-flying (err, falling) antics come from Devin Graham (aka DevinSuperTramp)who continues to be a fixture on The Feed, with music by Radical Something, and whose latest video project took him to some fun in the sun in beautiful Hawaii. (Oh, how I wish I could be there right now!) Another excellent piece of work and a very apt tribute to a season that just can't seem to come fast enough, in my humble opinion. And for more sweet work by Devinbe sure to check out our pasts posts on him by clicking here or you can go to his YouTube page by clicking here.

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