Casey Anthony Trial Update: Trial resumes after short day Monday
(CBS/WKMG/AP) ORLANDO, Fla. - The murder trial of Casey Anthony resumes in an Orange County courtroom today with the prosecution close to wrapping up their evidence presentation.
Pictures: Casey and Caylee Anthony, Personal Photos
Court recessed early on Monday with the state calling only witnesses Stephen Shaw and Elizabeth Fontaine, both FBI forensics experts, to the stand. The reason for the early dismissal was because the prosecution's next witness wasn't scheduled to arrive in Orlando until early Tuesday afternoon.
Attorneys for the state say that they are currently ahead of schedule and the defense should be able to call its first witness Wednesday.
Judge Belvin Perry said he expects the defense to conclude its case by next Saturday, reports CBS affiliate WKMG.
Anthony, 25, is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee, and faces a death sentence if convicted.has pleaded not guilty. She could face the death penalty if convicted.
Prosecutors believe Anthony suffocated Caylee with duct tape, while the defense contends Caylee drowned in her grandparents' swimming pool.
The Casey Anthony case was recently reported on by "48 Hours Mystery."