Casey Anthony Trial Update: Trial resumes after abrupt early recess Monday
(CBS/WKMG/AP) ORLANDO, Fla. - The murder trial of Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her daughter, Caylee, resumed today, a day after the judge abruptly called for an early recess.
Pictures: Casey and Caylee Anthony, Personal Photos
The day began with attorneys from both sides arguing whether a defense witness would be able to testify about DNA in the case. Judge Belvin Perry ruled that the witness would not be able to testify about DNA of decomposition fluid in the trunk of Anthony's car. Perry, however, said he would be willing to hold a hearing later and revisit the issue, reports CBS affiliate WKMG.
The defense, for the first time since Saturday, called a witness to testify. Jennifer Welch, an Orange County sheriff's crime scene investigator, was called back to the stand and questioned by defense attorney Dorothy Clay Sims.
Clay Sims asked Welch if she took photographs of the scene where Caylee's body was found in December 2008 after the vegetation had been cleared. Welch stated she had.
Some photos were placed into evidence and shown to the jury before she was cross-examined by state prosecutor Jeff Ashton, who asked Welch if she could identify exactly where the remains were based on one of the photos.
Welch said she could not without looking at her library of photographs of the scene.
The defense then called Dr. Jane Bock, a forensic botanist, to the stand.
On Monday, Perry called a recess before 11 a.m., with the jury never having been seated in the courtroom. The recess followed a half-hour argument by attorneys about evidence disclosure.
Perry accused both sides of "gamesmanship" and selectively interpreting his court orders. He warned the lawyers that he won't stand for any of that anymore.
Anthony, 25, is charged with first-degree murder in the death Caylee and has pleaded not guilty. Anthony could face the death penalty if convicted.
The Casey Anthony case was recently reported on by "48 Hours Mystery."