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Casey Anthony Trial Update: Photos of Caylee getting in pool with Cindy Anthony shown

Cindy and Caylee Anthony WKMG

(CBS/WKMG/AP) ORLANDO, Fla. - Defense attorneys for Casey Anthony, who is charged with killing her 2-year-old daughter, showed jurors several photos on Friday that they hope bolster their argument that Caylee drowned and was not murdered.

Pictures: Casey and Caylee Anthony, Personal Photos

Casey Anthony's attorneys showed photos of her daughter, Caylee, climbing a ladder into an above-ground pool at the family's home with her grandmother, Cindy Anthony, supporting her from behind.

The photos were entered into evidence, despite objections from the state, and shown to the jury, reports CBS affiliate WKMG.

"Did she often get anxious to get in the water and get ahead of you?" Baez asked Cindy Anthony, who took the stand again this morning.

According to the station, Cindy responded saying, "For the most part, she would wait for us, but when she got older she would get anxious - but we always had [her wear] a life jacket."

After she made this statement the state objected to the question.

Cindy Anthony was then asked if she was having marital problems during that time, a question that prompted another objection and a sidebar. Judge Belvin Perry then called for a recess.

Prosecutors have argued Casey Anthony suffocated her daughter in June 2008. She didn't report the toddler missing for 31 days.

Anthony, 25, is charged with first-degree murder in the death Caylee and has pleaded not guilty. Anthony could face the death penalty if convicted.

The Casey Anthony case was recently reported on by "48 Hours Mystery."

Complete coverage of Casey Anthony on Crimesider

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