Casey Anthony lawyer: "There are no winners"
The FBI says that, in a given year, as many as 300 children under the age of five are murdered by their parents. That's nearly one murdered child every day.
Yet when a mother in Florida was accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter, that case became a sensation on cable television.
It seemed everyone had an opinion, but in the only opinion that matters, a jury in Orlando on Tuesday found Casey Anthony not guilty, convicting her only on four relatively minor charges of lying to the police.
CBS News correspondent Troy Roberts reports that the moments leading up to the reading of the verdict were incredibly tense, especially for the 25-year-old defendant
The verdict caused an immediate and emotional response from Anthony and her defense team, and left prosecutors stunned.
On the seven charges before the jury, Anthony was found not guilty of first degree murder and the two others related to the killing of her infant daughter Caylee. She was convicted of four misdemeanor counts of lying to the police.
After exchanging hugs, Casey's defense attorney, Jose Baez, spoke of the tragedy that led to the 6-week trial.
"While we're happy for Casey, there are no winners in this case. Caylee has passed on far, far too soon," Baez said.
No members of the jury were willing to speak to the press. Even after the verdict, prosecutors stood by the case they presented.
The Casey Anthony trial has been a story that has captivated the media and much of the nation.
It was in 2008 that two-year old Caylee Anthony disappeared from her Florida home. Five months later, her skeletal remains were found in two plastic bags dumped in the woods, walking distance from the home where she had lived with her grandparents and her mother Casey Anthony.
Prosecutors said there was duct tape placed on Caylee Anthony's mouth and nose. But none of her mother's fingerprints or DNA was on the tape.
The coroner never determined the cause of Caylee Anthony's death, but did rule it a "homicide."
"The fact that it's tossed in a field to rot in bags is a clear indication that the body was trying to be hidden," said Dr. Jan Garavaglia, Orange County medical examiner.
Prosecutors focused on Casey Anthony as the murderer. She did not tell anyone that her daughter was missing for a month, and during that time she spent her nights partying.
Anthony originally claimed her daughter was kidnapped by a nanny - a nanny who did not exist at trial. Anthony's story changed. Her defense team claimed the two year-old accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool, and that George Anthony, Caylee's grandfather, moved the body into the woods, an accusation he denied.
Eleven hours of jury deliberation put an end to what had become a media circus. People lined up for hours to get seats at the trial, and at local restaurants others watched intensely as the verdict was read.
Casey Anthony will return to court on Thursday for a hearing on the misdemeanor charges. Many believe the judge will sentence her to time served.