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Career advice from More Magazine's editor-in-chief

(MoneyWatch) To say Lesley Jane Seymour knows magazines, is a massive understatement.

As the current editor-in-chief of More Magazine, she's won national recognition. The magazine was named to Mediaweek's 2010 Hot List, and dubbed "The Vanity Fair for Women" by marketers and Seymour was ranked 4th on Forbes Most Powerful Fashion Magazine Editor. She's worked in the industry for about 30 years and served as editor-in-chief of Marie Claire USA, Redbook, and YM. She also wrote for Harper's Bazaar and Vogue. Today, she's using her post at More to take the magazine to the next level and help young people's careers take off. She sits down with The Startup to talk about the future of magazines and what it takes to make it in the changing industry.

Rebecca Jarvis: What were you doing before you became editor-in-chief of MORE?

Lesley Seymour: I ran several magazines. I ran Marie Claire USA, Redbook, YM. I began as a writer at Harper's Bazaar and Vogue. I still consider myself a writer. I have started and managed many websites for these magazines and written a few books.

RJ: How long were you in the magazine world before you became editor-in-chief of MORE?

LS: A long long time. It is my fourth magazine.

RJ: What's your number one piece of advice to young women looking to succeed in their careers and/or start companies?

LS: Persistence. Many very capable people dropped out. Hanging in is hard even when things don't go your way. But you have to if you want to be successful. I love it when we interview actresses who say "yeah, I am such an overnight sensation: it only took me 20 years to get here." Same for any career. Never quit. Be like the water in the stream and go around the rocks you meet -- because there will be rocks and boulders!

RJ: If you could ask one person for advice, who would it be and what would you ask?

LS: Maybe Michelle Obama: How did you feel about leaving the workforce to do public service? I think public service will be my next act but I worry about the sense of getting anything done.

RJ: Are you hiring? How do you get hired by a magazine?

LS: We are not hiring at present. I suggest that anyone who loves magazines begin in digital. The game is digital now and all magazines will eventually end up there. There is nothing ancient about editing or showing people how to cut through the clutter of stuff out there to find the fashion and beauty products they want or need or find the stories that inspire them. This is what editors do. There will always be editors. But print is going through changes and it is best to learn digital first and back your way into print. Print will always be with us but has become a costly enterprise compared with digital.

For more on More Magazine visit their website.

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