Candidate Profile John McCain

Campaign Web Site
Current Position
U.S. Senator, Arizona
Birthdate: August 29, 1936; Panama Canal Zone (Age: 72)
Education: U.S. Naval Academy, B.S. (1958); National War College (1973-74)
Military: U.S. Navy (1958-81); Active duty, Vietnam (POW)
Family: Married (Cindy McCain); Seven children (Douglas, Andrew, Sidney, Meghan, Bridget, John IV and James)
Hometown: Phoenix
Religion: Baptist
Career Highlights
• U.S. Senator, Ariz., 1986-present
• U.S. House of Representatives, 1982-1986
• Director, Navy Senate Liaison Office, 1977-81
Campaign Announcement Date
April 25, 2007
Books Authored
"Hard Call: Great Decisions and the Extraordinary People Who Made Them" (2007)
"Character is Destiny: Inspiring Stories Every Young Person Should Know and Every Adult Should Remember" (2005)
"Why Courage Matters: the Way to a Braver Life" (2004)
"Worth the Fighting For," (2002)
"Faith of my Fathers," (1999)

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