Candidate Profile Barack Obama

Campaign Web Site
Current Position
U.S. Senator, Illinois
Birthdate: August 4, 1961; Honolulu, Hawaii (Age: 47)
Education: Columbia University, B.A. (1983); Harvard Law School, J.D. (1991)
Military: None
Family: Married (Michelle Obama); Two children (Malia and Sasha)
Hometown: Chicago, Ill.
Religion: United Church of Christ
Career Highlights
• U.S. Senator (2005-present)
• Illinois State Senator (1997-2004)
• Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago Law School (1996-present)
• Practicing attorney (1993-96)
• Director, Developing Communities Project (1985-1988)
Presidential Announcement Date
February 10, 2007
Books Authored
"The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream" (2006)
"Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" (1995)

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