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Bush Undaunted On Immigration, Gonzales

President Bush was on Air Force One headed back to Washington, and back to a pair of bitter political disputes that have been dragging on for months.

The president wrapped up his eight-day European tour in Bulgaria, where he turned Monday, even before his departure, from adulation in the Balkans to the difficulties back home, saying his stalled immigration overhaul would be revived and his embattled attorney general would not fall under a Senate vote of no confidence.

"I believe we can get it done," Mr. Bush said of the immigration bill that has run into deep trouble on Capitol Hill. "I'll see you at the bill signing."

The president spoke at a news conference on the last stop of his eight-day trip in Europe, where he's been warmly welcomed in Bulgaria, and previously in Albania. Mr. Bush said that, upon returning to Washington, he would make a trip to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to lobby lawmakers in person on immigration.

He dismissed a planned Senate vote against Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as purely political. "I'll make the determination as to whether he's effective," Mr. Bush said.

After his news conference with Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov, Mr. Bush walked up to a group of Bulgarian government officials to shake hands. He seemed to bask in the affectionate attention here given his low poll standings at home.

Mr. Bush's comments on immigration reflected his determination to pass a bill to give millions of unlawful immigrants a path to citizenship. It is a top priority for the remainder of his presidency.

"Now, it's going to require leadership from the Democrat leaders in the Senate, and it's going to require me staying engaged and working with Republicans who want a bill," the president said.

Mr. Bush travels back to Washington Monday after a swing through Europe that took him to the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Italy, Albania and Bulgaria.

When he returns, he'll face continuing controversy over Gonzales.

The Senate on Monday plans to debate a one-sentence measure that declares that Gonzales "no longer holds the confidence of the Senate and of the American people." It could be Congress' last effort to force Gonzales' ouster.

"They can have their votes of no-confidence but it's not going to make the determination about who serves in my government," Mr. Bush said.

The no-confidence vote follows months of investigations and the disclosure of internal Justice Department documents that contradicted Gonzales' initial assertions that the firing of federal prosecutors was not politically motivated or directly coordinated with the White House.

Once again, Mr. Bush was asked about Russian President Vladimir Putin's surprise counterproposal to the U.S. plan for a missile shield in Eastern Europe, based in the Czech Republic and Poland. Putin proposed instead a system anchored around a Soviet-era radar installation in Azerbaijan.

"I don't know whether it's technologically feasible," Mr. Bush said of Putin's idea, promising a review by experts.
Bulgaria's leaders are worried that the rocket shield is not intended to cover southeastern parts of Europe, including their own country.

Another worry comes from the tensions the proposed shield have created between the United States and Russia. Moscow fiercely opposes the plan, fearing the shield is aimed at Russia. The United States says no — the shield is aimed at Iran, in case it develops nuclear weapons.

Bulgaria feels caught in the middle. It was the most loyal Soviet ally during the Cold War, and even now is almost entirely dependent on Russian energy supplies.

"Bulgaria should not have to choose between the friendship between the U.S. and the friendship with Russia," Parvanov said.

Mr. Bush stressed the strength of U.S. relations with Bulgaria, which shed communism in 1989, became a member of NATO in 2004 and the European Union in January.

Sofia is the president's last stop before heading back to the White House.

Thousands of Bulgarians lined the cobblestone main street through Nevsky Square as an honor guard played both countries' national anthems.

On a sunny, cool morning, Mr. Bush and Parvanov walked past a line of Bulgarian troops wearing white coats trimmed in red, and navy pants tucked into high black boots. After goose-stepping to upbeat military music, Mr. Bush prayed before a wreath placed for him at an eternal flame that marks Bulgaria's monument to an unknown soldier.

Mr. Bush greeted Bulgarian soldiers who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and then worked the crowd, reaching in to shake hands as the locals beamed and cheered. The Bulgarian parliament recently extended the Iraq mission until March 2008, and last year, Bulgaria signed an agreement with Washington allowing U.S. troops to use Bulgarian military facilities.

"I call him George, and he calls me George," Bush joked about the two leaders sharing the same first name.

The president said that during his talks, Bulgaria's leaders appealed for U.S. help in freeing five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor sentenced to death in Libya for allegedly infecting hundreds of children with the AIDS virus.

The EU and the U.S. repeatedly have urged Libyan authorities to release the six, who have been in Libyan custody since 1999. They are accused of deliberately infecting about 400 children with HIV at a hospital in Benghazi. All six deny the charge.

"We will continue to make clear to Libya that the release of these nurses is a high priority for our country," Mr. Bush said.

Parvanov characterized the U.S.-Bulgaria relationship as "thriving within the framework of NATO." He said the two leaders discussed issues in the Balkans, prospects for more US. commitments for energy projects in Bulgaria and the U.S. visa waiver program.

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