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Bucket of adorable sloths for your Valentine's Day (with some bonus movie love)

(CBS News) Not to brag, but your blogger here knows a thing or two about love. And with Valentine's Day on the horizon, I know that nothing screams out love more than - wait for it - a bucket full of adorable sloths! I can't begin to fathom how actress Kristen Bell would react to getting this on Valentine's Day... Click play to see the cutest bucket in the history of ever!

The adorable overload clip was posted by Vimeo user Lucy Cooke who writes:

Did somebody order a bucket of sloths? Yeah, me. A party sized one with plenty of sloth hugs to go's the perfect Valentines gift.

And while your heart is probably beating rapidly right now after seeing the sloths, I'm going to push the limits of love Hollywood-style with a bonus supercut video from Vimeo user Matthijs_Vlot that reflects a message I'd like to send out to all of you fans of The Feed: I Love You!

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