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Brunei Prince Loses $21 Million Court Case, Still Won't be a Pauper

Brunei Prince Loses $21 Million Court Case, Still Won't be a Pauper
Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei (AP Photo, file)

NEW YORK (CBS/AP) This guy's a real prince -- Prince Jefri Bolkiah of Brunei - whose riches may soon dwindle by over $21 million.

That's the sum a New York court awarded Wednesday to a British husband-and-wife legal team, Faith Zaman Derbyshire and Thomas Derbyshire, who, according to the prince's civil suit, had stolen from him.

Jurors awarded Thomas Derbyshire more than $10 million in one piece of the case, and found for Faith Derbyshire on another issue worth $11 million.

Prince Jefri, who is the brother of the Sultan of Brunei, is challenging the jury's findings.

He claims the Derbyshires had exploited his trust to steal at least $7 million from him in various schemes. They countered by saying the prince authorized everything they did.

The jury did side with the prince on just one of his many allegations in the civil case: that one of Faith Derbyshire's brothers had improperly charged expenses to one of the prince's corporate credit cards. Jurors awarded the prince $54,000.

It's not quite $21 million.

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