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Brad Pitt, Media Critic

(Getty Images/Evan Agostini)
From Tony Danza to Miss New Jersey, Public Eye remains committed to sharing the Media Criticism/Deep Thoughts/Aimless Media Musings that celebrities share.

Today's installment? Brad Pitt. According to the Associated Press:

While news about Jesse James crawled its way across 19th century America — compared to today's lightning-fast Internet — the tone was uncannily comparable to today's celebrity coverage, Brad Pitt found in reading those old accounts.

"I will say, I was surprised to see how tabloid journalism was alive and well even then and operating in the same way, just sensationalizing a complete fabrication of untruths," said Brad Pitt, who stars as the legendary outlaw in "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford."

"There's just more of it today. There's more of it in quantity, but the execution's the same. In that day, when you only had a newspaper to get your information, that would have been the extent of it. But it doesn't seem to have changed at all."

Thanks, Brad. You're definitely still tops on our list of single-serving friends.

But Danza's catching up.

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