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Bombing adds fuel to Pakistani resentment

WASHINGTON - In the first avowed act of revenge for the killing of Osama bin Laden, two suicide bombers -- one in a vehicle, the second wearing a vest -- attacked a Pakistani police academy, killing some 80 cadets.

CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports it was probably not what bin Laden would have wanted since he urged his followers to attack the United States, but it surely gave Pakistan one more reason to resent last week's mission.

"The killing of bin Laden has put relations in a very bad spot because the gulf of distrust between the two countries has opened up wide, from top to bottom in both countries," said Vali Nasr, former senior State Department adviser on Pakistan.

Pakistan bombings kill 80 to avenge bin Laden

The Pakistanis still haven't given back the remains of the stealth helicopter used on the raid which was forced to crash land. They did allow the CIA to interview three of bin Laden's wives who were living with him at the compound, but only with a Pakistani official looking on. As might be expected, the wives were not very friendly.

The youngest wife was at bin Laden's side when he was killed. She and the other wives would know how bin Laden managed to live in such a conspicuous compound for so long without attracting attention.

CBS News national security analyst Juan Zarate explained, "They would know likely whom bin Laden was communicating with, who may have been visiting over time, how the couriers were operating, with whom they had contact."

The CIA will interview the wives again but may not come away with much.

Special Report: The killing of Osama bin Laden

The bin Laden wives aren't likely to give American officials good clean information in that setting with Pakistani officials likely in the room," Zarate said.

The U.S. knows from its own surveillance of the compound and from the electronic files seized by the Navy SEALs that couriers came and went at irregular intervals, carrying bin Laden's messages on thumb drives which they would send out from Internet cafes elsewhere in Pakistan. The captured files also include recent references to targeting the U.S. president, although they do not mention Barack Obama by name.

It wasn't all about terrorism at the compound, however. The captured files include a stash of pornography, although it's not clear who watched it.

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