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Bolger Stats

  • Graduate of American University in Washington, D.C.
  • Served as the Director of Survey Research and Analysis for the National Republican Congressional Committee.
  • Co-founded Public Opinion Strategies, one of the nation's largest corporate and political polling firms.
  • Conducted crisis management polling, as well as image and message work, for major clients such as Wal-Mart, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Tyson Foods, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroads, and Intuit (the makers of Quicken).
  • Handled 2006 polling for two winning Senate campaigns, including Bob Corker of Tennessee, three winning Governor's races, and five new Republican Members of Congress.
  • Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper, said Glen "has quickly emerged as the pollster of choice for House and Senate Republicans."
  • Public Opinion Strategies now has eighteen U.S. Senators, eight governors, and more than 50 Members of Congress as clients.
  • Married with three children.
    By Brian Goldsmith
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