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Blair Denies Al Jazeera Bomb Story

Prime Minister Tony Blair said Monday that he had received no information suggesting the United States planned to bomb the al Jazeera television network.

The Daily Mirror last week published a leaked document that it said was a transcript of a meeting in April 2004 between President Bush and Blair in which Mr. Bush spoke of attacking al Jazeera's headquarters in Doha, Qatar.

The newspaper, which cited unidentified sources, said Blair argued against an attack.

It quoted its sources as disagreeing about whether Bush's alleged comment was a joke or was meant seriously.

Lawmaker Adam Price asked Blair in a written parliamentary question made public Monday "what information you received on action that the United States administration proposed to take against the al Jazeera television channel."

Blair replied with a one-word answer: "None."

Civil servant David Keogh and Leo O'Connor, who formerly worked for a British lawmaker, have been charged with violating the Official Secrets Act in connection with the document leak. The two are due in court Tuesday for a preliminary hearing.

Attorney General Lord Goldsmith has warned editors they could face prosecution under the act for disclosing the document's contents.

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