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Bill Clinton's Former Secretary of Labor Takes Aim At Clinton

The latest foray in the increasingly acrimonious Clinton/Obama battle comes from the Obama campaign, which is pointing reporters to a blog post from Robert Reich, who was Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton and hasn't endorsed a candidate. In the post, Reich takes aim at his old boss.

"Bill Clinton's ill-tempered and ill-founded attacks on Barack Obama are doing no credit to the former President, his legacy, or his wife's campaign," Reich writes. "Nor are they helping the Democratic party. While it may be that all is fair in love, war, and politics, it's not fair – indeed, it's demeaning – for a former President to say things that are patently untrue (such as Obama's anti-war position is a "fairy tale") or to insinuate that Obama is injecting race into the race when the former President is himself doing it."

Reich goes on to suggest 'we're witnessing a smear campaign against Obama that employs some of the worst aspects of the old politics."

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