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Behind the Scenes

Ever wonder who are the people responsible for making Sunday Morning possible? They are people such as the executive producer, Missie Rennie and senior producers Marquita Poll and Alan Weisman... Other producers include: Elliot Bernstein, Brian Healy, Judith Hole, James Houtrides, Cathy Lewis, Jim McLaughlin, Estelle Popkin, Lucy L. Scott, Bill Skane, Mary Lou Teel, Peter Goodman, Pam McDonough and Doug Smith. acknowledges the help of Stephen Warley, administrative assistant and Ramon Parkins, broadcast associate. There are many, many more. For a complete list, see program facts.


Associate Producer Sandra Malyszka confers with Senior Producer Marquita Pool, and Producer David Kohn.

Producer Mary Lou Teel

Executive Producer Missie Rennie

Senior Producer Marquita Pool

Production Designer, Debra Bryant

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