"Batman" cuffed for hanging off roof in Mich.
PETOSKEY, Mich. - Holy trespassing, Batman!
A 31-year-old man dressed as the comic book Caped Crusader was arrested Wednesday in Petoskey after he was seen hanging from the top wall of a downtown business.
The Petoskey News-Review reports officers went up on the roof about 12:40 a.m. and pulled the 31-year-old man back onto the building.
Public Safety Director John Calabrese says he believes the man "enjoys doing this."
Officers confiscated a baton-like weapon, a can of chemical irritant spray and lead-lined gloves.
The Harbor Springs man is awaiting arraignment on charges of trespassing and possession of a dangerous weapon. He's being held in the Emmet County jail.
Petoskey is in Michigan's northern Lower Peninsula, about 225 miles northwest of Detroit.