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Assignment America

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Sorry, voting is now closed. The story with the most votes will be revealed Monday night at 6:30 p.m. ET on the CBS Evening News. And tune in to catch Steve Hartman's report on Friday.

An entire town in Oklahoma is being closed down because of lead contamination. But one stubborn old pharmacist flat-out refuses to go - at least not until he's sure every one of his customers is relocated first. Send Steve to meet him.

Or Steve could pass the puck with the Golden Apples, a hockey team for the senior set. Some of these guys are 70-plus.

Steve could check out the Down Home Ranch, a cowboy camp for young adults with Down Syndrome.

Note: Please note that Anti Virus software installed on your computer can sometimes conflict with voting, to ensure a recorded vote you can temporarily disable your Anti Virus software. As always only your first vote counts.

Please feel free to E-mail us your Assignment America story ideas at

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