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Assange starting Wikileaks television series

LONDON - You've read his leaks. Now watch his show.

International secret-buster Julian Assange says he's launching his very own television series. The guests haven't been disclosed, but the 40-year-old Australian has promised to give viewers more of what he's been supplying for years: Controversy.

WikiLeaks said in a statement late Monday that the show is intended to "draw together controversial voices from across the political spectrum - iconoclasts, visionaries and power insiders - each to offer a window on the world tomorrow."

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"Through this series I will explore the possibilities for our future in conversations with those who are shaping it," Assange said in a statement. "Are we heading towards utopia, or dystopia and how we can set our paths? This is an exciting opportunity to discuss the vision of my guests in a new style of show that examines their philosophies and struggles in a deeper and clearer way than has been done before."

How the show will be produced and who will carry it remain open questions. Wikileaks has said they plan for the show to be broadcast on cable, satellite and terrestrial networks.

WikiLeaks referred queries about the series to the hitherto obscure Quick Roll Productions, whose website appears to have been created only about two weeks ago. The company focuses on video production for broadcast and new media audiences.

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