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Are Huntsman daughters their dad's "secret weapon"?

After Herman Cain's campaign released a bizarre online video of one of Cain's staffers smoking, Jon Huntsman's daughter Liddy saw an opportunity.

It occurred to her that she and two of her sisters - aka the @Jon2012girls, as Huntsman's three eldest daughters have come to be known on Twitter - could make their own, "age appropriate" version of the "smoking" video.

In the Huntsman daughters' version, Liddy, along with her sisters Abby and Mary Anne, blew bubbles instead of smoke - and they donned fake mustaches for the occasion.

Now, the spoof has over 300,000 YouTube hits - and it caught the eye of Bob Schieffer, who invited them to appear on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday.

"The campaign is now calling us their secret weapon," Mary Anne told Schieffer during the appearance.

"We're the most financial friendly resource they have," added Abby. caught up with the trio in the green room after their Sunday morning appearance to learn more about their work for their father's campaign. Watch the video above.

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