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Are Dirty Office Jokes Illegal Now That the Hate Crime Law Passed?

We all know a coworker that slips inappropriate jokes into the conversation here and there. So now that President Obama has signed an updated hate crime bill (ironically stuffed into a defense measure) into law, does that mean the "thought police" are going to send everyone who gets a cheap laugh from that fellow to jail?

First of all, keep in mind that the bill expands federal hate crime legislation that's been on the books since 1968. Along with race, religion and national origin, it now covers "actual or perceived" sexual orientation and gender identity as well. If local authorities don't have the will or resources to investigate violent crimes motivated by this type of hate (yes, critics, all crimes are indeed motivated by hate), then the Attorney General has the right to swoop in and finish off the case.

In other words, your crass coworker still has the legal right to spew his opinions on race, religion and sexual orientation. But if that coworker is notorious for making jokes about gays all day at work and then one night he goes out and commits a violent crime against someone, the federal government could investigate the entire office, turning the "criminal prosecution into a political correctness prosecution."
Therefore, if the joke wouldn't get cracked in front of the cameras, it shouldn't be said in the office either. Simply put, unless those soundbites are relevant to your job, keep your mouth shut.

And one last thing: I'm not a lawyer and obviously cannot offer legal advice. But I have read the whole bill and gather that this the extent of what could happen. If you have a different interpretation of this new law, feel free to share it below.

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