Anna Chapman Update: Russian Spy's Fan Club Sings Her Praises in Details Magazine
NEW YORK (CBS) Anna Chapman's departure from the United States back to "Mother Russia" apparently left more than a few broken hearts in Manhattan - but none of them seem to regret getting involved with the woman dubbed the "sexy spy."
Three men who had run-ins with the "femme fatale" spoke to Details magazine about the spy who entranced them and said that Chapman was adept at using her greatest weapon - sex.
"She was an expert at using her femininity to get information," model Dennis Hirdt, who claims he never went past the flirtatious texting stage with Chapman, told the magazine. "Little hand touches. Whispers. Maybe putting a hand on the cheek, or maybe 'by accident' lips rubbing against an earlobe."
According to the magazine, Chapman also had a way of entering a room that seemed to turn even the most focused businessman turn into a lovesick teenager. One of those blown-away businessmen was the CEO of PropertyShark, an online real estate site, who first met Chapman at a business meeting.
"I'll tell you, as soon as she walks in, I don't remember anything else," Bill Staniford said. "She knocked me out. There was something about her - I think it might have been the red hair, or the way she walked, or her body. I was immediately like, 'My game's f****d. I can't focus on anything.' It's like 'mwah mwah mwah.' She kept on talking and I just kept on staring at her."
Staniford, a former marine who reportedly did intelligence work in Nicaragua, Columbia and Peru in the 90s, said he was in love with Chapman and believes she was in love with him, too. Staniford, like many of her lovers, tells himself that their relationship wasn't all business for the spy, according to Details.
"She might have been faking with the others but it was real with me."
Nonetheless, when Staniford saw the headlines about his redheaded beauty he had a moment of panic, trying to think back about whether he had said too much about his time in South America. In the end he reassured himself that he had been careful, that she had not "knocked him out" that much.
Although it does look like he was possibly targeted: one of the other female members of the spy ring, Cynthia Murphy, was his longtime accountant.
"I think she was a spy," he told the magazine. "However, I would bet you almost every single cent I own that she had no formal training in espionage and human intelligence."
"I feel bad for her. And I'm not exactly sure why. I just feel like she got used somehow."
Complete coverage of Anna Chapman on Crimesider.