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Angelina Jolie & Dad Are "In Contact"

Angelina Jolie and her father, actor Jon Voight, have taken the first steps towards reconciliation.

"We've decided not to be public about our relationship. I will say we have spoken ... and hadn't spoken for six and a half years," Jolie told Vanity Fair in a new interview. "Which is good. Or it needed to happen. We don't really have a relationship, but we're in contact. And wish each other well."

"I think it's best that, if we try to have any relationship in the future, we do it quietly," she added.

Photos: Brangelina In Cannes
Voight and Jolie's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, were divorced in the year following their daughter's birth. Jolie had a rocky relationship with her father in the years that followed. In 2002, she legally changed her name, dropping Voight and using her middle name, Jolie, as her new last name.

Photos: Angelina Jolie: Actress In Action
That same year, Voight said in a television interview that he believed his daughter needed help for what he called her severe emotional problems.

In the Vanity Fair interview, Jolie recalled seeing Voight's film "The Champ" as a child.

"I freaked out," she said.

Photos: Brangelina's Babies
The actress was also asked about her father's Oscar-winning role in the 1979 film "Coming Home."

"Actually, I've never seen it," she said. "Because that was when my father left my mom, and the woman who he cheated on her with is in the film."

Jolie did not name the woman in question.

In the past, Jolie has shot down rumors that she began her relationship with her current partner, actor Brad Pitt, while he was still married to actress Jennifer Aniston. She has pointed out that she would never repeat what she says her father did to her mother.

As for marrying Pitt, she said that they're in no rush to tie the knot.

"People have made a lot out of it that we're not (married)," she said, "but we both have been married before, and it's very easy to get married, but it's not easy to build a family and be parents together. And maybe we've done it backwards, but we certainly feel married."

Married or not, articles about Pitt and Jolie sell a lot of magazines. She said that most of what's written about them are just "silly, made-up stories."

"I would never [read the tabloids], because I have good friends I would be reading about and I don't want it even in my head ... a negative fairy tale about somebody I like," she said. "Over 95 percent of what's said about us is entirely untrue."

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