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An Honest Trailer for Brad Pitt's "World War Z"

(CBS News) The timing for YouTube entertainment comedy and parody site Screen Junkies' latest installment of their side-splitting series "Honest Trailers," could not be better. This week's film to come under fire is Brad Pitt's zombie flick "Word War Z." Having just seen this movie on On Demand last night, I could not agree with their assessment more. In fact, I enjoyed their three-and-a-half minute clip immensely more than the over two-hour, seemingly never-ending apocalypse catastrophe feature. Watch the trailer above for yourself, and tell me if you agree (BUT BEWARE OF SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE AND INTEND TO).

Now, to be honest, the movie already had a big thing going against it for me, which is that it was about zombies (yeah, that's a big detail). I hate zombies and have never in my life watched a movie or TV show about the creepy undead creatures. However, as Screen Junkies points out, this is no ordinary zombie effort -- it has Brad Pitt in it! As much as it's a cliche to admit it, that bumped it up a few notches in my girlish mind.

And speaking of cliches, this Honest Trailer really hit all of them on head. Has there ever been a movie in the history of scary/action/thriller genres that includes a kid that does not have asthma?? I mean think about it -- kids in distress are constantly having asthma attacks in these films and their parents must always struggle to get them their special medicine. And that was just one small cliched detail that I'll give away. There are many, many more. So in closing, watch this trailer and, "Get ready for the big-screen adaptation of the best-selling novel, that's got everything you loved about...the title...and nothing else."

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