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An App to Make Your Company Website Mobile-Friendly

Have you checked your company website to see how it looks on phones and tablets? Unless it's been specially coded for mobile devices, it might not look too hot. At the very least, it may require a lot of pinching, zooming, and scrolling -- a potential turnoff for your customers.

Don't have the time, knowledge, or resources to create a mobile site? Check out DudaMobile, a free service that helps businesses make their sites mobile-friendly.

It's a simple five-step process. After typing in your company URL, you choose an app-like template for your site (DudaMobile offers a few dozen choices), then tweak various design elements like the header, background, navigation icons, and so on.

Next, you're on to site features. A few, like Facebook and Twitter integration, are free, but most of them require a Premium account. For $9 a month, your options include making your mobile site ad-free, adding a click-to-call phone number, and using your own domain.

Finally, using a link provided by DudaMobile, you get a chance to preview your site on your phone. If everything looks good, you can go ahead and publish it -- then set up a redirect so mobile users will automatically land on the new site.

Except for the name, I like everything about DudaMobile. It's amazingly fast and easy, and very reasonably priced: a Premium account is a drop in the bucket compared with hiring an outside company to create a mobile version of your site.

However, depending on the nature of your existing site, it may not fare as well as you'd hoped after being DudaMobile-ized. For example, I tried it with BNET, and while the home page was easy enough to navigate, the various sub-sections and article pages were topped with a lot of header items, related links, and the like -- stuff that should have appeared at the bottom (or not at all).

The service has the potential to save you time, money, and perhaps even customers. If you give DudaMobile a try, let us know how it worked for your site.

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