"American Idol" is no longer the TV king of social media
After 10 seasons, has FOX's "American Idol" lost that special something? In its first season, rival singing competition "The Voice" on NBC is already laying claim to the title of most engaging show on TV.
According to social media engagement data across 2,200+ TV shows compiled by Bluefin Labs, "The Voice" outranks all other TV programs (excluding special events such as the Super Bowl, Oscars, etc.) in terms of social media comments per episode. Through the first 5 episodes of its inaugural season, The Voice has averaged 44,435 social media remarks per episode, compared to an average of 18,746 for Idol.
But will "The Voice" keep its perch at the top or quickly fall back to earth? As Idol did, "The Voice" made its biggest social media impact with episode 1 of the season, but the level of social media comments tailed off in subsequent weeks.
FOX has other social media weapons in its TV arsenal though. Last week's season premier of "So You Think You Can Dance" garnered 19,650 social media responses. And in a strong start that must have the execs at VH1 buzzing, the cable network's "Single Ladies" premiered this week and racked up 52,083 in the public social media space.
Bluefin Labs is a technology startup based in Cambridge, MA. Bluefin's technology and data enable marketers and TV content producers, for the first time, to tap into data at scale that link people's social media commentary to the shows and commercials they watch on TV. To learn more about Bluefin, visit http://www.bluefinlabs.com.