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All-Star Roster Linked To Steroids

Roger Clemens, Miguel Tejada and Andy Pettitte were named in the long-awaited Mitchell Report on Thursday, an All-Star roster linked to steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs that put a question mark, if not an asterisk, next to some of baseball's biggest moments.

Barry Bonds, already under indictment on charges of lying to a federal grand jury about steroids, and Gary Sheffield also showed up in baseball's most infamous lineup since the Black Sox scandal.

The report culminated a 20-month investigation by former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, hired by commissioner Bud Selig to examine the Steroids Era.

"Everyone involved in baseball over the past two decades - commissioners, club officials, the players' association and players - shares to some extent the responsibility for the steroids era," Mitchell said. "There was a collective failure to recognize the problem as it emerged and to deal with it early on."

During his entire 21-month investigation, Mitchell faced staunch resistance from baseball's powerful player's union, reports CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian.

So Mitchell put pressure on coaches, trainers, even clubhouse attendants, to talk.

The keys to the investigation: evidence seized during a raid last February of an online pharmacy in Florida and, most importantly, a wad of checks provided by former New York Mets clubhouse attendant turned government informant Kirk Radomski, adds Keteyian.

In April, Radomski pleaded guilty to selling anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs to dozens of Major League Baseball players from 2003 to 2005 and began cooperating with authorities and Mitchell.

Eric Gagne, Jason Giambi, Troy Glaus, Gary Matthews Jr., Jose Guillen, Brian Roberts, Paul Lo Duca and Rick Ankiel were among other current players named in the report - in fact, there's an All-Star at every position. Some were linked to Human Growth Hormone, others to steroids.

Clemens was singled out in nearly nine pages, with much of the information on the seven-time Cy Young Award winner coming from former New York Yankees major league strength and conditioning coach Brian McNamee. More than a dozen Yankees, past and present, were among the 80-plus players identified.

Players were linked to doping in various ways: some were identified as users, some as buyers and some by media reports and other investigations. Jose Canseco's book "Juiced" also was cited.

"According to McNamee, from the time that McNamee injected Clemens with Winstrol through the end of the 1998 season, Clemens' performance showed remarkable improvement," the report said. "During this period of improved performance, Clemens told McNamee that the steroids 'had a pretty good effect' on him."

McNamee also told investigators that "during the middle of the 2000 season, Clemens made it clear that he was ready to use steroids again. During the latter part of the regular season, McNamee injected Clemens in the buttocks four to six times with testosterone from a bottle labeled either Sustanon 250 or Deca-Durabolin."

Mitchell called for an independent agency to oversee drug testing in the game, adds Keteyian.

But he urged Selig to hold off on punishing players in the report "except in those cases where he determines that the conduct is so serious that discipline is necessary to maintain the integrity of the game."

"If there are problems, I wanted them revealed," Selig said. "His report is a call to action, and I will act."

Selig said discipline will be determined in case by case basis, and actions will be taken "swiftly."

Several stars named in the report could pay the price in Cooperstown, much the way Mark McGwire was kept out of the Hall of Fame this year merely because of steroids suspicion.

Read the full Mitchell Report here.

"Former commissioner Fay Vincent told me that the problem of performance-enhancing substances may be the most serious challenge that baseball has faced since the 1919 Black Sox scandal," Mitchell said in the 409-page report.

"The illegal use of anabolic steroids and similar substances, in Vincent's view, is 'cheating of the worst sort.' He believes that it is imperative for Major League Baseball to 'capture the moral high ground' on the issue and, by words and deeds, make it clear that baseball will not tolerate the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs."

Rafael Palmeiro, who tested positive for steroids, was among the former players named. So were Kevin Brown, Benito Santiago, Lenny Dykstra, Chuck Knoblauch, David Justice and Mo Vaughn.

"We identify some of the players who were caught up in this drive to gain a competitive advantage," the report said. "Other investigations will no doubt turn up more names and fill in more details, but that is unlikely to significantly alter the description of baseball's `steroids era' as set forth in this report."

"The illegal use in baseball of these substances also victimize the majority of players who don't use them. We heard from many former players who believe it was grossly unfair that the users were gaining an advantage," Mitchell said.

"The players' union was largely uncooperative for reasons that I thought were largely understandable," Mitchell added.

Union head Donald Fehr made "no apologies" for the way they represented players.

"Many players are named. Their reputations have been adversely affected, probably forever," he said. "Even if it turns out down the road that they should not have been."

Mitchell is a director of the Boston Red Sox, and some questioned whether that created a conflict.

"Judge me by my work," Mitchell said. "You will not find any evidence of bias, special treatment, for the Red Sox or anyone else. That had no effect on this investigation or this report, none whatsoever."

Giambi, under threat of discipline from Selig, was the only current player known to have cooperated with the Mitchell investigation.

Baseball superstar Alex Rodriguez says if there is truth in the Mitchell report accusing dozens of players of using steroids, it will be a "huge black eye" for the game of baseball. Katie Couric also speaks with Rodriguez about his new record-breaking, 10-year contract with the New York Yankees. On 60 Minutes this Sunday, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
Roger Maris' record of 61 homers had stood since 1961, but McGwire hit 70 in 1998 year and Sammy Sosa had 66. During the chase, the AP reported McGwire had used androstenedione, a supplement then available over the counter that produced testosterone.

A bulked-up Bonds then shattered McGwire's record by hitting 73 homers in 2001.

Victor Conte, the founder of Balco, says he never provided Bonds with undetectable anabolic steroids known as "the cream" and "the clear" but did give them to Greg Anderson, Bonds' personal trainer, reports Keteyian.

About two hours after Mitchell released his findings, two congressmen at the forefront of Capitol Hill's involvement in the steroids issue asked Mitchell, Selig and Fehr to testify at a House committee hearing next week.

California Democrat Henry Waxman and Virginia Republican Tom Davis - the leaders of the panel that held the March 17, 2005, hearing at which McGwire, Palmeiro and Sosa testified - want to know "whether the Mitchell report's recommendations will be adopted and whether additional measures are needed," they said.

Another representative who sponsored a bill and held hearings on the topic in 2005, Florida Republican Cliff Stearns, called on Selig to resign.

"Certainly, a lack of leadership and oversight in MLB enabled these abuses to continue," Stearns said Thursday. "After 15 years of slow action, a new commissioner is needed to guide the league out of this era of drug abuse."

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