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Africa Leaders OK Rights Pact

President Clinton is urging African leaders to press for more freedom for their people.

In Uganda Wednesday, seven African leaders signed a commitment with the president to deepen respect for human rights as the shared "birthright of all men and women everywhere."

Among the leaders at the summit were the Congo's President Laurent Kabila and Kenya's President Daniel arap Moi. Both have been criticized by the U.S. for human rights abuses and for not making democratic reforms.

"The leaders who have come to Entebbe today share a common vision of a bright future for this region," Mr. Clinton said at the Summit for Peace and Prosperity, hosted by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni. "We seek to deepen the progress that has been made and to meet the tough challenges that remain."

Mr. Clinton told them he understands democracy takes time.

"We understand these goals will not be met in one meeting or one day or one year," he said. "But we have formed a solid foundation for progress."

Mr. Clinton said the African leaders also agreed to work to banish genocide from the continent and bring murderers to justice.

"Every child has the right to grow up in peace," he said.

Mr. Clinton also said he wanted to see Africa's economic potential unleashed.

People outside of Africa think "Africa is not central to the world economy," said Ugandan President Museveni. "In fact, Africa is central to the world economy. Africa is the center of the world."

At the summit, Mr. Clinton met with the presidents of Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Congo, Tanzania, the prime minister of Ethiopia, and the finance minister of Zimbabwe, representing the Organization for African Unity.

The summit, at an elegant hotel on the shore of Lake Victoria, was a friendly gathering. Despite U.S. concerns about human rights and democratic failings in Kenya and Congo, Mr. Clinton accompanied Kabila and Moi into the meeting room.

Two countries were excluded from the summit: Sudan and Burundi.

©1998 CBS Worldwide Corp. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report

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