Adele bombs lie detector game
Adele might be a powerhouse singer, but not everything that comes out of her mouth is always so smooth.
It turns out the "Hello" artist is a terrible liar; she proved that on the "Tonight Show" with Jimmy Fallon.
The British pop star got to play "Box of Lies," and even though she wasn't very good at the game, she said she was excited to play. The game entails two players pulling objects out of different boxes and describing the objects to each other; each player has to guess if the other is lying.
"I have been waiting my whole life to do this!" she said. "It was either this or the Lip Sync Battle!"
Adele and Fallon sat across from each other with a divider between them, so that only their faces were visible.
First, Adele told Fallon that the T-rex on her table was dressed as a fairy, when it was really dressed as a cowboy. Fallon determined that Adele's description was a lie.
But Adele got the talk show host back: Fallon said he had a G.I. Joe doll dressed as Santa Claus, when he instead had a Simon game with fake noses on it. Adele called him out and knew he was lying.
Fallon got the last word, though. Adele described a giraffe wearing three doughnuts around its neck -- Fallon teased her for saying "free" doughnuts (Adele is famous for saying "fank you" instead of "thank you" because of her accent) -- and Fallon knew she was telling the truth.
"B****!" she exclaimed.