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'Abducted' Student Changes Story

A 20-year-old University of Wisconsin student who said she was abducted at knifepoint and held for four days has changed her story, police said.

Confronted with inconsistencies in her account, police said, Audrey Seiler
no longer claims she was abducted outside her off-campus apartment, but in another area of Madison. Surveillance video showed the sophomore leaving her apartment alone about 2:30 a.m. Saturday.

Seiler said she left the apartment because she wanted to "be alone."

She was found Wednesday in a marsh about two miles from her apartment. Her return ended an intense search in which dozens of volunteers from Seiler's hometown of Rockford, Minn., combed through marshes and woods around campus and investigators scoured phone records and apartments for clues.

It also touched off a fruitless hunt for her kidnapper.

The story of her disappearance generated nationwide news coverage, and the attention continued with the case cloaked in mystery after her safe return.

Some questioned whether the abduction even happened.

"Some of the story doesn't add up, some of the pieces just don't add up," private investigator Steve Watson told CBS News Early Show National Correspondent Jon Frankel.

"There's only one person that truly knows if this is a hoax and that's Audrey," he said.

Frankel reports some in Madison say police may be reluctant to call this a fabrication, because several years ago police accused a rape victim of fabricating her crime and then found her story to be true.

A state Department of Revenue spokeswoman said a worker at the agency's building, which stands next to the marsh, was walking on a footpath on her lunch hour when she spotted Seiler and called police.

A high-level police source told CBS affiliate WISC-TV that the DOR worker must have talked to Seiler in the marsh. Seiler allegedly told the woman she was a college student and went the marsh to relax. The woman told the 911 dispatcher she also saw Seiler on Monday and Tuesday.

A second high-level police source told WISC-TV that Seiler seemed surprised by all the attention.

The Rev. Greg Fairow of Calvary Lutheran Chapel in Madison had visited with dozens of Seiler's family members and friends as they searched Madison's neighborhoods Tuesday and Wednesday before she was discovered. He said he had numerous intimate conversations with them and nobody ever mentioned anything that caused him to doubt Seiler's story.

"If there was a problem with Audrey that would have caused her to fabricate or manipulate, a possible reason would have come out ahead of time. Nobody told me anything."

The composite sketch released by police Thursday shows a white, clean-shaven man with a long chin, wearing a stocking cap. A caption describes the man as in his late 20s to early 30s. He has a stocky build and stands between 5-foot-10 inches and 5-foot-11 inches tall.

Police had declined to release the police report from a previous incident in which Seiler claimed she was attacked.

In that incident, Seiler said she was struck from behind and knocked unconscious Feb. 1 while she was walking near her apartment. Someone then moved her about a block, but she was not sexually assaulted or robbed, authorities said. The attacker wasn't found.

Police got their first chance to interview Seiler at length Thursday. Spokesman Larry Kamholz said she was cooperative and police had no reason to doubt she had been kidnapped.

She had spent Wednesday night with her family at an undisclosed location after her release from the hospital.

"We wanted to give her time to refresh, time to spend with her family," Wray said Thursday.

When she was found Wednesday afternoon, officers with guns drawn surrounded the marshy area looking for the suspect. Officers were back at the scene Thursday looking for clues, with the area cordoned off by police tape and several squad cars nearby.

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