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A Real Miracle to End Partisan Sparring

There's been so much wonder expressed about the election of Scott Brown, I'm beginning to think that if it had happened in ancient times it would have been included in the Bible.

For sure, back then people were always looking for signs, and the politicians saw Brown's victory as more than just a sign. It gave them Old Testament-level shivers worse than Moses felt when he realized that burning bush was talking directly to him.

But was it more than that? I wondered. Did it herald a new Age of Miracles? Utter Brown's name and the waters part?

Think about it. Republicans tried for a year to kill health care reform. If Brown's victory didn't kill it in a second, for sure it shoved it to the back burner.

And with great fanfare and the blessing of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the administration planned to try the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed in lower Manhattan.

But Brown railed against civilian trials for terrorists, and in an epiphany worthy of the road to Damascus, the mayor of New York suddenly wanted no part of it - too expensive.

The heavens also parted for the administration: No backdown on civilian trials yet, but it looks like the proceedings will be moved.

And when the President went to Baltimore and had a very adult debate on issues with Republicans - a debate that did both sides proud - I thought, "Stars above, maybe they ARE ready to work together!"

Well, silly me! An hour later, the partisan sniping and nastiness was going again full bore.

It's going to take a real miracle to stop that. But, we can hope.

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