A dog driving a cart can help offset any slow day
(CBS News) Does anybody else feel like it's a bit slow out there on the Internet today? If you agree (and have already seen all of the amazing posts on The Feed), then you're also in luck. I keep a stash of emergency viral videos handy for backup at all time, and have the perfect one ready to cure any slow day. So kick back, click play and... watch a dog driving a cart in the clip above!
The rather random, but also very cute video comes from Fun With Pup and Jane, who have been highlighted on The Feed a few times before, and who write about their latest:
Rouge is a Crazy year old blue Australian Cattle Dog.Rouge may be crazy, but he's my kind of crazy. He's also way too cute to boot, too (try saying that ten times fast). And to check out more adventures from Fun With Pup and Jane, be sure to click here for our previous posts on them or you can visit their YouTube page by clicking here.