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60 Minutes viewers inspired by St. Benedict's Prep

Their school motto is "Whatever hurts my brother hurts me" and their graduation rate is 98 percent. Scott Pelley reports on a unique school in Newark
The Resurrection of St. Benedict's 13:50

"Whatever hurts my brother hurts me!" That's the motto at St. Benedict's Prep, an inner-city school with a graduation rate of 98 percent.

As Scott Pelley reported on Sunday's 60 Minutes, 85 percent of the school's graduates earn a college degree, but that's not the biggest source of pride for the school's headmaster: it's the kids who come back as grown men and fathers.

"When I get introduced by one of our guys to his son and his daughter, I say 'Wow.' That for me is the most meaningful," Father Leahy told Pelley.

The school -- started in 1868 -- has nearly 150 years of history, and some of its graduates, including many of Father Leahy's students, watched on Sunday. They still refer to themselves as "Gray Bees," the school's mascot:

Others watching were inspired by the students and the school:

So much hate and violence in the world here is a school that promotes love and respect and its students succeed.

Posted by Maria Scibelli Greenberg on Sunday, March 20, 2016

One viewer encouraged Leahy to open a school for women:

Should any students fail to appreciate all he does, Father Leahy gave them this helpful reminder:

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