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30 must-have iPad games

Wondering what games to buy for your new iPad? Well, this early in the product's life, it's actually pretty hard to sort the really good stuff from the just-decent stuff, particularly with the prices for many games being so much higher than their iPhone counterparts. But we took a shot at putting together a list of top titles that we feel meet the criteria for a good iPad game.

And just what does make a good iPad game? We debated it for a while and narrowed it down to these five factors:

  • It's gotta be fun (obviously).
  • Ergonomics (are the gameplay and control scheme well-suited to the iPad?)
  • Uniqueness (though many iPad games play well as upconverted, higher-resolution versions of their iPhone predecessors, we respect new iPad-exclusive games).
  • Value (some of the best iPad games currently carry high price tags, but we also tried to include titles we thought were simply a good value).
  • Show-off quotient (extra points if the game flat-out looks good).

With that in mind, here are our current favorites, displayed in alphabetical order. Feel free to sound off with your own picks (or criticize our choices). With new games coming out almost daily, we will be updating this list frequently and taking your suggestions to heart. As more games are released, we may also expand the list to include more titles and, hopefully, discover some hidden gems.

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