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10 Killer Online Office Apps

sproutit.jpgJust yesterday I found myself using Google Docs (again) to write a column because I wasn't sitting at my usual PC (I'd taken a new notebook to a coffee shop for testing). And I remember thinking, "Dang, this is so convenient. I wonder if I could migrate all my office operations to the Web." The folks at Read/WriteWeb had the same thought and put together a list of 10 must-have online office apps. This isn't just a grocery list of what's out there; the author cites specific apps that he likes and explains why in mini-reviews of each. For example, here's his take on groupware:

Basecamp is the top dog when it comes to hosted groupware tools. By including easy-to-use applications for messaging, to-do lists, milestones, file sharing, chat, time tracking, and collaborative writing, it really takes the cake. There are many competitors in this category, but the inclusion of the Writeboard, a collaborative writing application, is really what sets Basecamp above the rest in my mind.
This is very interesting reading for anyone considering a jump to -- or at least further adoption of -- Web-based applications. What would you add to the must-have list? Put your faves in the Comments.
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